AGFIF analyzes each asset independently and on its own merits, with special attention to the risk/return ratios that drive long-term capital preservation and growth.
A comprehensive array of services
What do we guarantee?
Tailor-made strategies for sustainable growth
In order to be able to provide you with the best possible strategy to build your wealth, you must first choose the investment strategy that is suitable and right for you.
In a first step, not only your risk tolerance and earnings expectations are determined, but also your financial investments you have made are included. Furthermore, the amount of liquid funds available and the respective investment duration of the existing financial assets, will be taken into account in a solid future asset strategy.
It is important to emphasize, that we take particular importance to transparent and sustainable capital preservaton and protection.
In increasingly changing markets, flexible and immediate action proves to be extremely valuable. It allows you to easily align your investment strategy to current market conditions or changes can be made regarding your personal financial situation.
We see ourselves as a creative and partner-like companion for our clients.
We work closely with specialists in the areas required for your needs in order to be able to provide extensive and comprehensive consulting services. It is our goal to be able to achieve a meaningful, creative solution for our clients.
The goal is to develop an investment proposal tailored to your personal needs.
Advisory mandate or discretionary mandate
Advisory mandates
With online access to his securities account, the customer is the pilot in managing his assets. Customers benefit on an advisory mandate from our personal advice, market research and portfolio monitoring, but they make their investment decisions themselves.
We not only offer investment ideas tailored to the individual needs, but also provide assessments of the current markets and possible opportunities. At the same time, we regularly check your portfolio for possible risks.
Discretionary mandates
Compared to an advisory mandate, we manage your assets for you in accordance with your investment guidelines. You still keep comprehensive control and get full transparency at any times about the performance of your professionally managed strategy and can monitor and follow it all the time. In addition, we always help you to compare the performance with other investments or to compare your performance with the respective index (benchmark).
The investments managed by us are continuously checked and, if necessary, adjusted to the given market situation so that you can increase your assets. We take great care to ensure that the implementation of the agreed investment strategy is complied at all times with your guidlines you gave us and is guaranteed.
Note: If necessary, we can recommend various custodian banks to choose from, with which we were able to get considerable reductions in fees for our customers, if a customer wishes. With a limited power of attorney, you only authorize us to buy or sell equities on behalf of your account at your bank account in accordance with the investment guidelines issued to us, in order to be able to react promptly to the current market situation.
Compliance with the investment guidelines of specifications
We carefully follow your guidelines.
Our transparency is your advantage: Thanks to transparent investment guidelines and fees, you can follow the performance of your professionally managed strategy at any time
The strategic asset allocation (benchmark) and the ranges at the level of asset classes, the geographic diversivication and/or industries for the tactical asset allocation are determined by our investment committee.
Available at any time
If you have any questions or require information or just want to discuss the market situation and strategy with us, we are always looking forward to your call.
In the event of special events, we will also notify you by telephone if desired.
The constant availability and availability of your personal advisor and portfolio manager is important to us.
At AGFIF, we live exclusively from the trust of our customers and the responsibility that has been delegated to us. That is why our customers can contact their personal adviser and portfolio manager directly. Be it to find out about market developments, to find out the status of the investment portfolio or to make investment decisions. For us, this is more than a matter of course.
We see it as part of our service and task to confirm your trust as a customer at any time.
Constant reporting
AGFIF customers have access to their account at their chosen and preferred custodian Bank at all times. This ensures that they can keep themselves informed about the development continuously, easily and transparently. We will also send you your portfolio statements by post or email: on request monthly, quarterly or semesterly, and annually. Your personal advisor will be happy to explain the developments and changes in your investment portfolio.
Note: In order to have an overview of your assets and a daily control of your equities on your account, it is advisable to choose a bank that has a solid e-banking system. However, if you want to forego e-banking access or cannot use it, we are at your disposal at any time to discuss your portfolio with you and your bank will send you your statements in advance. We can also go through the equity- and financial investments that way.
The regular, detailed analysis of your equity investments, together with our comprehensive advice and support, is thus guaranteed at all times. This means that you always have control over the current value of your assets at your bank and know how your assets are invested and managed.
Complex mandates
AGFIF is a competent partner for complex customer mandates.
Complex investment mandates
For effective asset management, it must first be carefully determined how strongly your assets should grow (return), what risk you are willing to take (willingness to take risks) and justifiable (risk capacity). Ultimately, it must be determined how long you want to have your assets invested (term).
Based on this starting point, simpler or more complex mandates can be determined in order to be able to build and achieve the best possible asset management.
We work with external equity research specialists and receive fundamental information from them as well market research.
Note: More complex asset classes and investment instruments require sufficient clarification in advance. Investments in complex or non-traditional asset classes such as derivatives, private equity and hedge funds etc. are strategies that are only suitable for special clients or customer profiles to maximize the portfolio return. In a persistent period with record low interest rates and yields, strategies of this kind are at best appropriate if the relevant prerequisite is met.
Additional Services
We offer interdisciplinary advice and services in the areas of wealth and tax-planning, fiduciary services, inheritance and estate planning as well as real-estate and property management through our subsidiary ‘Grund und Boden Ltd.’. We can arrange financing for entrepreneurial customers.
If necessary, AGFIF relies on a network of external professional partners.
Managing of Portfolios at banks of your choice
As a customer, you have your loan and deposits with one or more banks of your choice. With this third party you have a custody agreement with the usual account management fees. With a limited power of attorney, you authorize us to manage your assets with the relevant custodian Bank. We make our investment decisions in accordance with the investment strategy that has been worked out and agreed with you. This enables us to manage your assets efficiently.
For your Security and your protection; we are not allowed to transfer or withdraw any funds without your consent.
AGFIF takes great importance to their independence in order not to be exposed to any conflicts of interest.
AGIFIF is therefore not obliged to a bank neither to sell customers to a bank nor to sell, recommend or mediate their investment products.
Advisory process
AGFIF analyzes each asset independently and on its own merits, with special attention to the risk/return ratios that drive long-term capital preservation and growth. We specialize in equity portfolios held by customers of investment banks or brokerage houses.
Our wealth management services are designed to meet the needs of our clients. We work with each client to understand their needs and goals, and to develop the investment strategy that best suits them. We pride ourselves on building personal wealth management solutions for each client.
Our Services
Your first consultation is free of charge. Over the course of this consultation, we will evaluate your portfolio and provide broad guidance on your current asset allocations and how they serve your long-term strategy.
Other consulting services
Our large global network of financial specialists brings together the right team for your broader financial strategy. This allows us to provide wealth management services that advance your interests on all fronts, from tax issues to estate planning. Our consulting services include:
- Services Independent Asset Management und Fiduciary Advice
- Wealth Management
- Portfolio Implementation
- Monitoring of Deposits, Funds, Portfolios
- Wealth and Tax Planning
- Real Estate and Estate Planning, siehe > Real Estate related Services
- Tax Planning Services / Steuerberatung