Stock market Turbulence:
“The banking crisis is happening in people’s minds”
In an interview with the German National TV “tagesschau.de”, the Swiss asset manager Mojmir Hlinka explains the psychological mechanisms behind the current banking crisis. He is convinced that the central banks have learned something new since the Lehman bankruptcy.
Mr. Hlinka, Credit Suisse keeps the financial markets in suspense. Is the Credit Suisse crisis now over after the rescue operation of the Swiss National Bank SNB?
«Mojmir Hlinka»:
The worst risks at Credit Suisse have been averted for the time being. It is important to emphasize that CS was not the innocent victim of a global banking crisis. The homegrown problems at CS have been known for a long time.
(Published in the German National TV ‘ARD’ 03/16/2023 in German)
Article in ‘The Globe Echo’ is an independent English Newspaper>
Nicht die Sachlage ist reine Kopfsache, sondern die Überreaktion der Märkte auf diese Ereignisse, die die Krise der Credit Suisse indirekt auf andere gesunde Unternehmen ausgelöst und auf deren Kursbildung ausgewirkt hat. Insofern stimme ich dem Titel der ARD zu. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Harald Maurer